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The following are some useful links for intending applicants.  This is not a comprehensive list.  Please note the Trustees do not regularly monitor these links for changes, nor do the Trustees warrant that any information given will be complete, accurate or up to date.  It is the responsibility of each intending applicant to verify all information obtained.

  1. http://steinhardt.nyu.edu/ - the website for the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development at New York University;

  2. http://steinhardt.nyu.edu/music/scoring/ - the welcome page for the Master of Music Degree in Scoring for Film and Multimedia;

  3. http://steinhardt.nyu.edu/music/scoring/curriculum/ - details of the film scoring program curriculum;

  4. http://steinhardt.nyu.edu/graduate_admissions/guide/ - application instructions;

  5. http://steinhardt.nyu.edu/orientation/international/ - essential information for international students;

  6. http://www.nyu.edu/global/visa-and-immigration/ - essential resources from the Office for International Students and Scholars at NYU;

  7. http://www.nyu.edu/life/living-at-nyu/  - essential information relating to NYU accommodation, including application forms and rates.



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